popup menu for Long pressed link and downloading
The "command" submenus
- File "image.link": defines "command" submenus of the context menu for images.
- File "download.link": "command" submenus for download options menu.
- File "context.link": "command" submenus in all other cases.
The "command" submenus can be toggled with UI options. The "command" submenus are default ( service urls or image.link or download.link), links, commands or service urls (default.urls when both link and command options are ticked).
To run commands
Each line of file "default.longclick" has the following format: (same as default.cmds)
[Name]:[mimetype]:[command line]
in which [command line] can have "%c" (cookie), "%u" (current url), "%t" (title) etc.
To visit url and load javascript file
All ".js" files under the folder "longclick" are part of the popup menu.
These javascript files are in the following format:
- The very first line can begin with "//" followed by website url that can have "%u" (current url), "%t" (title) etc. included. In this case, the website is visited, then the javascript file is loaded on the new loaded site.
- In the ".js" file, variable "arguments" can be used to get parameters. in which arguments[1] is the long-pressed link url, argument[2] is the text description and arguments[0] is the ".js" file name.